Monday, September 13, 2010

In the end...Education is important!

Thinking after last week’s blog question, I pondered ways that we can contribute for sustainable environment. In one of the class discussion, I remember that doing small things like taking short showers does not really help the situation now (especially in the United States). As Maniates discussed in his article, “although each offers familiar advice ("reuse scrap paper before recycling" or "take shorter showers"), it's what's left unsaid by these books that's intriguing” (Maniate). If EVERYBODY did these small things it may result in a bigger difference. However, what is really necessary is something that will make a difference in the short term. These small efforts can be done for the long term, but we need to discuss short term methods.

The biggest (and probably the hardest) would be to think less for yourselves. As Maniates discussed, people tend to only act for themselves and not think about the environment too much. This must change in order to support the sustainable environment. Especially us, the U.S. citizens are highly educated and understand what is happening in the world. Then, why aren’t we the ones making the change? Because we are so educated and focused on economical success, we care less about the environment and demand wealth. In today’s class, we discussed that people demand more things, and even though our average income is increasing, people are not happy because with more money people demand more “things.” This is currently creating a negative cycle in this country that more money is resulting in more stuff, more using the resources, producing more waste..and the cycle continues. Recycling is effective, but there are many steps necessary for recycling. So what is our option? Think differently. Think more for the environment, think where you live and cherish where you live.

IF we don’t start thinking about this, there is no future; there may be a future for us, but definitely not for an infinite amount of time. We need to start thinking more, be conscious at all times. So before actually speaking of what specific programs we can do, we must change the way we think, so probably start educating the younger generations the severity of the environmental situation. The revised education system will allow the younger generation to be aware of the situation and understand what must be done sooner than later.

I feel like I am repeating myself from the last post, but revising the education system and adding a specific course even for environment may be effective is what I come at in the end....

What do you guys think??

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